A Platform for Global Change

GSMUN 2023: Uniting for a Sustainable Future

As a Good Shepherd Model United Nations (GSMUN) director, my primary goal is to assemble a team of enthusiastic and interested individuals who embody the qualities of United Nations delegates. I envisage building a team of Secretary general, deputy general, heads, co-heads, and secretaries all of whom are passionate and committed GSMUN participants. Our team represents a dynamic group of young leaders who are ready to take charge of this year's GSMUN and ensure that their respective committees run in accordance with the standards and procedures of the MUN world.

They will showcase leadership skills, diplomacy, negotiation skills, and in-depth knowledge of global issues that are characteristic of UN delegates. Through their dedication and hard work, this team will not only organize a successful GSMUN 2023 conference but also inspire the next generation of GSMUN enthusiasts to embrace the values and principles of the United Nations.

Together, we will foster a sense of diplomacy, international cooperation, and critical thinking among our students, preparing them for a future where they can make a meaningful impact on the global stage.
Nishant Kushwaha
Director of GSMUN
The Good Shepherd Model United Nations (GSMUN) is a vibrant and engaging platform for Shepherdians to come together and discuss global issues. This year, GSMUN 23' is offering an impressive selection of 8 different committees that address the theme of Global Solidarity, aiming to create a sustainable future in a plethora of aspects. The range of committees includes three General Assemblies, namely DISEC, ECOFIN, and The Legal Assembly, followed by the United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime, United Nations Human Rights Council, and United Nations Security Council. Additionally, based on suggestions from delegates and now-chairs, the United Nations Environment Programme and Legal Assembly have also been incorporated to make our conference more democratic and delegate-centric.

As the Secretary-General of GSMUN 23', I am personally invested in making this year's conference the best one yet. I remember my first conference in the 6th grade, where I was the delegate of India in the committee of the United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime. From that moment, I knew I had a passion for public speaking and debate, and MUNs were the perfect platform for me to express myself.

In our continuous effort to make GSMUN 23' greater than ever, we have taken into account the agendas and committees through a collective decision-making process. This ensures that our event is both engaging and impactful, with participation from many speakers who bring different ideas to the table. Our secretariat, consisting of Aadya, Abraham, my Deputies, and myself, is always ready to assist and address any doubts or queries you may have. We are committed to providing a memorable and enriching experience for all our participants.

By offering a wide range of committees and addressing various aspects of Global Solidarity for sustainable development, we aim to create a platform for meaningful discussions and innovative solutions. GSMUN 23' is an opportunity to be a part of the journey towards a more sustainable future. Join us and showcase your diverse talents and perspectives as we work together to make a difference in the world in our own way.
Shreyansh Mali
Secretary-General to GSMUN 23’

UNODC: Tackling wildlife trade and decriminalization of hard drugs.

UNODC works to educate people throughout the world about the dangers of drug abuse and to strengthen international action against illicit drug production and trafficking and drug-related crime. UNODC also works to improve crime prevention and assist with criminal justice reform in order to strengthen the rule of law, promote stable and viable criminal justice systems and combat the growing threats of transnational organized crime and corruption. This year in UNODC the agendas chosen are ‘ combating illicit trade in wildlife and environmental crime’ and ‘promoting decriminalization of hard drugs in developing countries’. While the first topic deals with illegal animal and environmental trade the second topic discusses the need for decriminalization of hard drugs. The two topics will be the main course of UNODC this year.

Araya Vastani




Kashvi Bansal


UNEP: Discussing electric automobiles and biodegradable materials as greener alternatives

UNEP stands for United Nations Environmental Programme. UNEP’s work is focused on helping countries transition to low-carbon, safeguarding ecosystems, and providing evidence-based data to inform policy decisions. concerns the ethical and practical considerations regarding whether wealthy nations should provide reparations to countries that have been disproportionately affected by climate change. The discussion revolves around the responsibility of developed nations in addressing the adverse impacts of climate change on vulnerable and less-developed countries. This topic often involves debates on the historical contributions of wealthy nations to global carbon emissions and the resulting implications for climate-related damages in more vulnerable regions.

The second topic UNEP will be discussing is ‘global sustainability, electric automobiles and biodegradable materials being marketed as greener alternatives’ The topic at hand is global sustainability and the marketing of electric automobiles and biodegradable materials as greener alternatives. Specifically, the discussion revolves around the role of the UNEP in addressing the challenges and opportunities associated with the promotion of these environmentally friendly alternatives. The focus is on the actions that UNEP can take to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles and biodegradable materials as part of a broader strategy to achieve global sustainability objectives.When addressing the global sustainability concerns related to electric automobiles and biodegradable materials being marketed as greener alternatives.





Atharv Arora


UNHRC: Addressing human rights issues and tribal representation in governance.

UNHRC stands for United Nations human rights council. HRC is an intergovernmental body within the United Nations system responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe and for addressing situations of human rights violations and making recommendations on them. This year UNHRC will be ‘discussing the measures implemented by working groups to prevent enforced or involuntary disappearances from resulting in sexual exploitation and sexual slavery of individuals’ and ‘implementing involvement of individuals of tribal descent in government or judicial groups. Involuntary disappearances refer to situations where individuals are abducted, or imprisoned by state authorities or organized groups without any legal justification.

Overall, the topic underscores the importance of taking proactive steps to safeguard the vulnerable individuals who are susceptible to enforced disappearances, emphasizing the need for preventive measures to protect them from the severe and often exploitative consequences that may follow such disappearance. The other topic of HRC concerns the consideration of implementing the involvement of individuals of tribal descent in government or judicial groups. Specifically, it addresses the issue of ensuring representation and participation of tribal communities in decision-making processes within the government and judicial systems. This topic falls within the purview of the UNHRC, which is responsible for addressing human rights issues and promoting the protection and fulfillment of human rights globally. The discussion focuses on empowering individuals from tribal communities and ensuring their voices are heard in matters that affect their rights and well-being.







ECOFIN: Exploring global debt crisis and trade protectionism impacts.

The Economic and Financial Affairs Council, commonly known as the Ecofin Council. The Economic and Financial Committee is a committee of the European Union set up to promote policy coordination among the Member States. This year at GSMUN the topic of ECOFIN is ‘Tackling the high cost of debt and the risks of debt distress and the increasing problem of the Imminent global debt crisis. It focuses on exploring strategies to address the challenges posed by high levels of debt, the potential risks of debt distress, and the looming threat of a global debt crisis. The discussion likely delves into the factors contributing to the accumulation of debt at both national and international levels, such as increased borrowing, and economic shocks. Moreover, the conversation may analyze the potential consequences of unsustainable debt levels, including reduced economic growth, financial instability, and the exacerbation of global economic inequalities.

The other topic of ECOFIN is ‘The impact of trade protectionism on the global economy’ it refers to the examination of the consequences of trade protectionist measures on the interconnected global economic system. Trade protectionism involves the imposition of tariffs, quotas, and other restrictions on imports and exports to shield domestic industries from foreign competition. The discussion may encompass the various ways in which trade protectionism affects different aspects of the global economy, including international trade flows, economic growth, consumer prices, employment, and investment. Understanding the complexities and ramifications of trade protectionism is crucial for international organizations in developing strategies to promote fair and sustainable trade practices that benefit all participating countries.







United Nations Legal Assembly: Advancing genetic engineering ethics and cross-border dispute mitigation.

A fresh and new committee in GSMUN the United Nations General Assembly Sixth Committee, also known as the Legal Committee or GA6, was established as one of the six original principal organs of the UN. The agenda for this year’s GSMUN UNLA is ‘ethical measures to be taken by member nations to record and advance genetic engineering in humans and animals’. Genetic engineering is an up and coming field of biotechnology, where the genes of organisms are altered to make a being of the individual's interest. The second agenda for this year is ‘establishing guidelines and global agreements to mitigate the effects of cross border disputes’. The main discussion is to come to global agreements and guidelines so that the member nations’ land, air and maritime borders are respected. Delegates are to come up with guidelines, global agreements and ethical measures to reduce cross border disputes between member nations and to record and advance genetic engineering in member nations.







DISEC: Regulation of private military contractors and armed attacks near nuclear power plants.

The Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC) is the first committee of the United Nations General Assembly. This committee addresses and deals with issues that are related to disarmament challenges to global security as well as threats to international peace. DISEC has been a part of UN and GSMUN for a long time. It is one of the main committees and provides good debates year after year. The first agenda for this year is ‘ the proliferation and possible regulation of private military contractors’ and ‘addressing the potential dangers of armed attacks near nuclear power plants’. A private military company or private military and security company is a private company providing armed combat or security services for financial gain.These companies also play a direct or indirect role in wars occuring around the world The first agenda talks about the regulation of such companies and the proliferation of them. Nuclear power plants are high risk plants that require extra careful precautions. The present war conditions in certain countries put the nations in jeopardy due to the danger of attacks near nuclear power plants. The second agenda discusses the potential dangers of such situations where there could be a global extinction.







WHO: Role of digital technologies in healthcare and sanitation of food products.

WHO is another major committee that has been part of GSMUN for a very long time. It is one of the fundamental committees and provides a great way of life to people. Digital health, or digital healthcare, is a broad, multidisciplinary concept that includes concepts from an intersection between technology and healthcare. Digital health applies digital transformation to the healthcare field, incorporating software, hardware and services.The first agenda for this year talks about the role of digital technologies in healthcare, including opportunities and challenges related to telemedicine, electronic health records and mobile health organizations. The second agenda talks about the sanitation of food products in flea/farmer’s markets. The main discussion for this talks about the regulation and sanitation of food products in markets to prevent spread of diseases and potential health problems.







United Nations Security Council: Addressing the Israel-Palestine conflict and the role of ally countries in crises.

The Security Council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security.The Security Council takes the lead in determining the existence of a threat to the peace or act of aggression. It calls upon the parties to a dispute to settle it by peaceful means and recommends methods of adjustment or terms of settlement. The agenda for UNSC are ‘ Preventing the escalation of the Israel-Palestine conflict’ and ‘the role of ally countries in mitigating conflicts and humanitarian crises.’ The first agenda deals with the ongoing conflict of Israel-Palestine and how the crisis can be prevented from escalating. Delegates will be given the responsibility of helping two war-torn countries and to reduce the possibility of another World War happening. The second agenda talks about how much an ally country can help in mitigating conflicts and humanitarian crises in member nations.







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